GenDip Publications
Publications, conference participation and invited talks.
Books and reports
2023. McEwen, Haley, The U.S. Christian Right and Pro-Family Politics in 21st Century Africa. London: Palgrave MacMillan.
2023. Towns, Ann E., Bjarnegård, Elin & Jezierska, Katarzyna, More Than a Label, Less Than a Revolution. Sweden’s Feminist Foreign Policy, Stockholm: Expert Group for Aid Studies.
2017. Aggestam, Karin and Towns, Ann E., (eds.) Gendering Diplomacy and International Negotiations. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
Journal articles
2025. de Silva, Monika, Language-Bargaining in the Council of the European Union: Meaning Negotiations and the Concept of Gender Equality, Journal of European Public Policy.
2024. Sjöberg, Victoria, En diplomatfrus roll: en bourdieusk studie. Förväntningar och begränsningar för nutida diplomatfruar, Internasjonal Politikk, 82(3/4), 263-287
2024. Niklasson, Birgitta and Jezierska, Katarzyna, The politicization of diplomacy: a comparative study of ambassador appointments, International Affairs, 100(4), 1653–1673. See the right column for Appendix,
2024. De Silva, Monika, Gender Wars? Diplomacy as a Depolarizing Practice in International Politics of Gender and Sexuality, International Studies Quarterly, 68(3)
2024. De Silva, Monika and Tepliakova, Mariia, Populist Challenge? Negotiating the EU’s Accession to the Istanbul Convention in the Council, Politics & Governance, 12(8110), 1-18
2024. Towns, Ann E., Jezierska, Katarzyna and Bjarnegård, Elin, Can a feminist foreign policy be undone? Reflections from Sweden, International Affairs, 100(3), 1263–1273.
2024. Jezierska, Katarzyna, Maternalism. Care and control in diplomatic engagements with civil society, Review of International Studies, 1-21.
2023. Niklasson, Birgitta and Towns, Ann E., Diplomatic Gender Patterns and Symbolic Status Signaling: Introducing the GenDip Dataset on Gender and Diplomatic Representation. International Studies Quarterly, 67(4), 1-10.
2022. McEwen, Haley, The (Geo)politics of Gender and Sexuality Diversity in a Multipolar World: Reading African Anti-Genderisms beyond the Transatlantic. Politique Africaine, 168(4), 95-113.
2022. de Silva, Monika, The European Union in International Gender Politics: International Limitations to Normative Leadership. Geneva Jean Monnet Working Papers, 03/2022.
2022. Niklasson, Birgitta and Towns, Ann E., Introduction: Approaching Gender and Ministries of Foreign Affairs. The Hague Journal of Diplomacy 1(aop): 1-31.
2022. Towns, Ann E., WAW, No Women? Foucault’s Reverse Discourse and Gendered Subjects in Diplomatic Networks, Global Society, 36(3), 347-367.
2022. Kreft, Anne-Kathrin, Niklasson, Birgitta and Towns, Ann E., Do gender patterns in diplomacy disappear over time?, European Journal of Politics and Gender, 5(3), 279-302.
2021. Jezierska, Katarzyna, Incredibly Loud and Extremely Silent: Feminist Foreign Policy on Twitter, Cooperation and Conflict, 57(1), 84-107.
2020. Towns, Ann E., Jezierska, Katarzyna, Kreft, Anne-Kathrin and Niklasson, Birgitta, Covid-19 and Gender: A Necessary Connection in Diplomatic Studies, Hague Journal of Diplomacy, 15(4), 636-647.
2020. Towns, Ann E., ’Diplomacy is a Feminine Art’: Feminised Figurations of the Diplomat, Review of International Studies, 46(5), 573-593.
2020. Niklasson, Birgitta, The Gendered Networking of Diplomats, The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, 15(1): 13-42.
2018. Aggestam, Karin and Towns, Ann E., The Gender Turn in Diplomacy: A New Research Agenda, International Feminist Journal of Politics, 21(1), 9-28.
2018. Jezierska, Katarzyna and Towns, Ann E., Taming Feminism? The Place of Gender Equality in the ‘Progressive Sweden’ Brand, Place Branding & Public Diplomacy, 14(1), 55-63.
2017. Towns, Ann E. and Niklasson, Birgitta, Gender, International Status, and Ambassador Appointments, Foreign Policy Analysis, 13(3), 521-540.
Book chapters
2024. Jezierska, Katarzyna. & Towns, Ann E., Diplomatic Infrastructure, in Aggestam, Karin and Jacqui True (eds) Feminist Foreign Policy Analysis. Bristol: Bristol University Press
2021. Jezierska, Katarzyna. & Towns, Ann E., Variations on Shared Themes: Branding the Nordics as Gender-equal”, in Larsen, Eirinn, Moss, Sigrun Marie and Skjelsbæk, Inger (eds) Gender Equality and Nation Branding in the Nordic Region. London: Routledge
2017. Aggestam, Karin and Towns, Ann E., Diplomacy – A Gendered Institution, in Pauline Kerr and Geoffrey Wiseman (eds.) Diplomacy in a Globalizing World, second edition. New York: Oxford University Press.
2017. Towns, Ann E., Kreft, Anne-Kathrin and Niklasson, Birgitta, The Empowerment of Women in Diplomacy, in Amy Alexander, Catherine Bolzendahl and Farida Jalalzai (eds.) Measuring Women’s Political Empowerment Across the Globe: Strategies, Challenges and Future Research. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
2017. Aggestam, Karin and Towns, Ann E., Introduction, in Aggestam, Karin and Towns, Ann E. (eds.) Gendering Diplomacy and International Negotiations. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
2017. Niklasson, Birgitta and Robertsson, Felicia, The Swedish MFA: Ready to Live Up to Expectations?, in Aggestam, Karin and Towns, Ann E. , (eds.) Gendering Diplomacy and International Negotiation. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, pp 65-85.
2017. Aggestam, Karin and Towns, Ann E., Conclusions, in Aggestam, Karin and Towns, Ann E. (eds.) Gendering Diplomacy and International Negotiations. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
2017. Niklasson, Birgitta and Towns, Ann E., Gender, status, and ambassador appointments to militarized and violent countries, in Cassidy, Jennifer (ed.) Gender and Diplomacy, New York: Routledge, pp 100-119.
Conference participation and invited talks
2024. Jezierska, Katarzyna. "Maternalism", Invited talk at the Grace School of Applied Diplomacy Summer Institute, DePaul University, June 2024
2024. Towns, Ann E., ”Turning Your PhD Into a Book”, Roundtable for the Diplomatic Studies Section (DPLST) of the International Studies Association, June 2024 at https://youtu.be/FB5nI68dORQ
2024. Jezierska, Katarzyna. “Policy Advice at the MFAs. The Case of CSOs and Feminist Foreign Policy in Six Countries”, ISA, San Francisco
2024. Jezierska, Katarzyna.“Feminist foreign policy: Nordic hegemony in decline?”, Roundtable, ISA, San Francisco
2024, McEwen, Haley. "Transnational Anti-Gender Politics as Counter-Diplomacy (?): International LGBTIQ+ human rights norm contestation and the Ugandan Anti-Homosexuality Act 2023", ISA, San Francisco.
2023. McEwen, Haley. “How should feminist foreign policy counter backlash and backsliding on women’s rights and democracy?” Shaping Feminist Foreign Policy Conference, The Hague, Hosted by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
2023. McEwen, Haley. “The International Anti-Gender Movement: Understanding the rise of anti-gender discourses in the context of development, human rights and social protection”. United Nations Research Institute for Social Development.
2023. de Silva, Monika. “Ever Closer (Discursive) Union or Separate Lifeworlds? International Language Games and the Meaning of Gender Equality in the European Union”, Swedish Political Science Association, Gothenburg.
2023. McEwen, Haley. “Straightening Geopolitics: Anti-gender diplomacy in a multipolar world”. Swedish Political Science Association. Gothenburg University.
2023. Towns, Ann E. and Jezierska, Katarzyna. "Institutional Innovations: Gendered Diplomatic Infrastructure in Transformation". Workshop Feminisms and Foreign Policy, Monash Prato Centre, Italy.
2023. Jezierska, Katarzyna and Niklasson, Birgitta. “Politicization of Diplomacy. A Comparative Study of Ambassador Appointments”, Paper presented at EISA, Potsdam University
2023. de Silva, Monika. “Negotiation of ‘Gender’ in the Council of the European Union”, Paper presented at EISA, Potsdam University
2023. Towns, Ann E. and Jezierska, Katarzyna. “Promoting Feminism. FFP in a Hierarchical World”, Paper presented at EISA, Potsdam University
2023. de Silva, Monika.“Why Speak Law if Not to Conduct Legal Reasoning? Diplomatic Use of International Law in the Context of ‘Gender Wars’”, Paper presented at EISA, Potsdam University
2023. McEwen, Haley. “Anti-Gender Rhizometry”. Paper presented at EISA, Potsdam University
2023. McEwen, Haley. “Pro-family diplomacy”. Paper presented at EISA, Potsdam University
2023. McEwen, Haley, Keynote. “The Pro-family Movement”. Women Deliver Conference. Kigali, Rwanda.
2023. de Silva, Monika. “Diplomats as Depolarizers? Implementation of Gender Equality Foreign Policies Through Bilateral Diplomacy in Poland”. Paper presented at the International Studies Association, Montreal
2023. de Silva, Monika. “The Concept of International Polarization” . Paper presented at the International Studies Association, Montreal
2022. Towns, Ann E. and Jezierska, Katarzyna. “Implementing Feminist Foreign Policy in a World of Hierarchies”, Paper presented at the University of Copenhagen’s Diplomacy Workshop, Copenhagen
2022. Towns, Ann E. and Jezierska, Katarzyna. . “Politicization of ambassador appointments. How does it play out for women?”, Paper presented at the ECPR General Conference, Innsbruck
2021. Jezierska, Katarzyna, Towns, Ann E.. & Gurok, Kristina. “Smooth Operators? Ambassadors’ Participation in Pride Parades”, Paper presented at EISA (online),
2021. Jezierska, Katarzyna. “Mother, Broker, Agent of Change: The Politics of Diplomatic Engagement with Civil Society in Bilateral Relations”, Paper presented at ISA Annual Convention (online),
2020. Jezierska, Katarzyna. “A Parent, A Broker, An Agent of Change. Identities of Diplomats in Polylateral Diplomacy”, GenDip international workshop, University of Gothenburg, 8-9 October 2020
2019. Niklasson, Birgitta, “Female Ambassadors Breaking New Ground: A Study of Swedish and American Ambassador Appointments”. A talk given at the conference “Breaking Barriers, Shaping Worlds: Women and the Search for Global Order, 1919-2019”, Ottawa, 2019.
2019. Jezierska, Katarzyna. “The Changing Role of Frontline Diplomacy. Embassies on Twitter”, Paper presented at the ECPG conference, University of Amsterdam
2019. Jezierska, Katarzyna. “The Changing Role of Frontline Diplomacy. Embassies on Twitter”, Paper presented at the GenDip international workshop, University of Gothenburg
2018. Niklasson, Birgitta and Ann Towns. “Women’s Empowerment – A Matter of Numbers? A Comparative Study of Ambassadors’ Appointments and Status. Paper presented at the ECPR conference at Hamburg, August 25 2018.
2018. Towns Ann and Jezierska Katarzyna. “Gender Equality as a Nordic Brand? Comparing Sweden, Denmark and Norway." Paper presented at the Gender Equality as Branding: Moving Beyond Nordic Exceptionalism Workshop, Refsnes Gods (Moss), June 20-21 2018.
2018. Towns Ann and Jezierska Katarzyna. “Feminist Foreign Policy and the Battle for Civil Society in Europe.” Paper presented at the conference Activism at a Time of Backslide: Feminist and LGBTQ Responses to Opposition to Gender and Sexual Equality, Central European University, May 11-12 2018.
2018. Towns, Ann. “’Diplomacy is a Feminine Art.’ Gender and International Hierarchies in Diplomacy.” Invited talk in the Remapping International Relations series, Mortara Center for International studies, Georgetown University, March 16, 2018.
2018. Towns, Ann. "’Diplomacy is a Feminine Art.’ Gender and International Hierarchies in Diplomacy.” Invited talk at the Department of Political Science and IR, Florida International University, March 8, 2018.
2018. Towns, Ann. “’Diplomacy is a Feminine Art.’ Gender and International Hierarchies in Diplomacy.” Invited Talk at the Gender and Politics (GAP) Seminar, Rutgers University, March 5, 2018.
2017. Towns, Ann and Birgitta Niklasson. “Gender, Status and Ambassador Appointments to Militarized and Violent Countries.” Paper presented at the Global Challenges – Nordic Experiences conference of the University of Oslo, March 20, 2017.
2017. Towns, Ann and Karin Aggestam. “Towards a gender-just-diplomacy: Gendered norms in the foreign service and practice of negotiation.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association, Baltimore, USA, Feb 25, 2017.
2016. Towns, Ann. “Feminizing Diplomacy” Paper presented at the New Diplomatic History Conference, University of Copenhagen, Nov 24, 2016.
2015. Towns, Ann.“’Diplomacy is a Feminine Art.’ On the Unstable Gendering of Diplomacy and the Diplomat.” Paper presented at the Gender and Politics Workshop, Göteborg, Sweden Oct 13, 2015.
2015. Towns, Ann. “’Diplomacy is a feminine Art.’ On the Unstable Gendering of Diplomacy and the Diplomat” Paper presented at the biannual meeting of the European Conference on Politics and Gender, Uppsala, Sweden, June 13, 2015.
2015. Towns, Ann and Birgitta Niklasson. “Gender, Power and Ambassador Appointments.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association, New Orleans, USA, Feb 18, 2015.
2015. Towns, Ann. “Diplomacy is a Feminine Art” Invited talk at Colloquium on International Politics, School of Global Studies, University of Gothenburg, Oct 1, 2015.
2015. Towns, Ann. “Measuring Women’s Empowerment in Diplomacy.” Invited research presentation at the workshop Measuring Women’s Empowerment Across the Globe: Strategies, Challenges and Future Research, Thyssen Foundation, Cologne, Germany, June 2015.