GGBC researchers all work with biodiversity in some way. Research at the GGBC looks at both terrestrial and marine habitats, from the tropics to the arctic. Some of the key research themes among our members include: macroevolution, macroecology, phylogenetics, phylogenomics, conservation, software development, ecosystem services, biogeography and more.
A selection of major research projects and research groups led by GGBC members
Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, GU
Tropical montane forests in a warming world Johan Uddling Fredin
Mycology – taxonomy, systematics, ecology and evolution of fungi Ellen Larsson and Henrik Nilsson
The past, present, and future of biodiversity (BIODIV) Christine Bacon
Bistånd till Nordiska bin - a unique resource for future ecosystem services Åslög Dahl, Mats Niklasson
What would the world be like without humans? Søren Faurby
Biodiversity in the Anthropocene Søren Faurby
Causes and consequences of variable selection for biodiversity Luc Bussière
Avian evolution and systematics (AVES) Urban Olsson
Predatorer och biodiversitet som biologisk bekämpning av invasiv svartmunnad smörbult Leon Green
Truffles in Sweden Ellen Larsson
Saline farming - molecular breeding of salt tolerant wheat Henrik Aronsson
Department of Marine Sciences, GU
DeepCCZ – Biodiversity of Poorly Known Deep-sea Areas Targeted for Seafloor Mining Thomas Dahlgren
SWEDNA - Swedish eDNA lab Matthias Obst
Department of Earth Sciences, GU
Alpine and Polar Ecology at the University of Gothenburg (APE@GU) Robert Björk
A handbook that shows how we can best remediate organogenic soil from high greenhouse gas emissions to sinks Åsa Kassimir
Department of Economy and Society, GU
Landscape and Planning Marie Stenseke and Andreas Skriver Hanssen
Division of Environmental Systems Analysis, Chalmers University
Beslutsstöd för samhällets kritiska flöden Ulrika Palme
Bio-LCA: Biodiversity indicators in life cycle assessments in forestry and agriculture Ulrika Palme, Emke Vrasdonk
IVL Swedish Research Institute
Life cycle analysis of forestry - Mistra Digital forest John Munthe, Eskil Mattson