Find our contact information here
Contact information to the University of GothenburgDo you have a suggestion on a topic for a degree project, that you think may interest our students? Or do you want to suggest a job, internship or assignment where you think our students have the skills?
Register your offer in the University Ad Portal. Through the Ad Portal, you can reach all students at the University of Gothenburg and clarify the competences you are looking for.
Do you have an idea that you think would be suitable for a collaboration with our students, within the framework of the education?
In order to bring about a collaboration within an education, it is important that planning and agreement take place in good time. It is the learning objectives of our educations that are decisive for whether a collaboration is appropriate or not.
On our programme pages, you find more information about our programmes, including the education plan where the learning objectives are formulated. If you would like to discuss the possibilities for collaboration with a program - contact the Programme Director of the specific programme.
Subjects and educations at HDK-Valand (see specific education for contact details)
The education officers answer questions for you who are or want to become a student at HDK-Valand. Contact us for questions about admissions and eligibility, course registration, credit transfer and other study-related issues.
The study counsellors provide study guidance and support to those who want to become or are students at HDK-Valand. Current students can also find more information about study guidance and support during their studies on HDK-Valand's student pages.