About us
At JMG you will find everything that has to do with journalism, media and communication under one roof. Our approach is social scientific in nature and the Department’s four units work tightly together.
JMG has a solid core of teachers and researchers. These are complemented with a number of guest teachers directly from the industry with diverse experience and backgrounds. One day you may meet with a TV journalist, the next an expert in criticism of sources and on day three a PR consultant. JMG is currently hosting about 500 students and 50 teachers, researchers and administrative staff.
JMG is a young department with a long tradition. It was established in 1990 when the School of Journalism was merged with the Department of mass communication at the Department of Political Science. However, the roots of the journalism programme and media research go much deeper than that. The University of Gothenburg has served as a centre for education and research within journalism and media ever since the 1960s.