About us
Here you will find more information about the Krefting Research Centre, our history, goals and collaborators.
The Krefting Research Centre has been conducting allergy and respiratory research since 2008. The research centre has primary financial support through a long-term agreement between the University of Gothenburg and VBG Group's principal owner the Herman Krefting Foundation for Allergy and Asthma Research. We are a part of the Department of Internal Medicine and Clinical Nutrition at the Institute of Medicine, at the University of Gothenburg. We are located at Medicinaregatan 1 F.
Our history
Sahlgrenska University Hospital has a long tradition of allergy and respiratory research. In the 1960's, this research was conducted primarily by physicians, in addition to their routine clinical work. Gradually, the research expanded and evolved as it became more professionalized. The Krefting Research Centre was founded in 2008 and has achieved considerable international recognition in recent years, made possible with financial support from the Herman Krefting Foundation for Allergy and Asthma Research.
Our research
The Krefting Research Centre employs a broad approach to understanding the epidemiology and pathophysiology of asthma, with the short- and long-term goal of improving the management of asthma. A major focus of the Centre is to increase the understanding of the different types of asthma, what are usually called “asthma phenotypes". Current evidence demonstrates that there are different mechanisms underlying each phenotype, but their prevalence and characteristics are not well defined.
Our goals
We aim to
- understand the epidemiology and pathophysiology of asthma
- increase the understanding of patients with different types of asthma
- improve management of asthma patients
Our collaborations
Our researchers and collaborators work across disciplines within the University of Gothenburg, at other institutions, in the healthcare system and Region Västra Götaland.
Financiers and research partners
The Krefting Research Centre has primary financial support through a long-term agreement between the University of Gothenburg and the VBG Group's principal owner the Herman Krefting Foundation for Allergy and Asthma Research.
From the website for the VBG Group, where the principal owner is the Herman Krefting Foundation for Allergy and Asthma Research:
Collaboration in life science with Universeum
In May 2020, the Herman Krefting Foundation for Allergy and Astma Research, principal owner of the VBG Group, donated 7 million SEK to Universeum – Sweden’s national science centre. The donation kicks off Universeum’s life science venture, the initial phase being a new learning environment developed with the Krefting Research Centre. This collaboration will continue until 2026 and the donations will total about 50 million SEK over the period.
News article on gu.se: Universeum's SEK 50M Donation from Krefting Foundation
Work with us
Are you a researcher wishing to move on to the next stage of your career? We offer outstanding research environments in which you can develop your skills. Work under way at the Institute includes preclinical research in a laboratory environment, clinical research and studies at population level.
We cooperate closely with healthcare providers and have a large international network of contacts. We are also connected with Core Facilities that provide advanced technical infrastructure and skills for every researcher.
More about working with us