Arts education
Arts Education as a discipline studies all forms of teaching/learning processes within the aesthetic field of knowledge, including the frameworks, the prerequisites, the traditions and the conditions that govern the situations where these fields of knowledge make up the content of the different teaching/learning processes.
Thus, problems are treated in contexts where music, dance, visual culture, and the like, have been a part of upbringing, education, teaching or other influence exerted in a certain cultural situation. Research on Arts Education as a field of research is interdisciplinary in character and uses theories and methods from education, psychology, sociology, philosophy, anthropology, musicology, art history and artistic research, for example, in order to understand and explain phenomena within the aesthetic field of knowledge.
Admissions to PhD programmes
When can you apply?
Students are only accepted to the Academy of Music and Drama's PhD Programmes when a special call for applicants has been issued.
The next round of admissions will be announced on the home page of the Academy of Music and Drama.
Doctoral candidate positions
When openings in the PhD Programmes are advertised, doctoral candidate positions for the same duration as the PhD Programme requires (i.e., four years) will also be advertised. This means that PhD students and doctoral candidates will be employed for a fixed four-year term and at a fixed salary.