Photo of Gothenburg by the sea
Photo: Shutterstock

EAIE Gothenburg 2025

One of the world’s largest conferences in international higher education, the European Association for International Education (EAIE), is coming to Gothenburg 9-12 September 2025. Participants from all over the globe will gather for a week of fruitful and collaborative exchange in one of the most sustainable city destinations in the world. Make sure to mark this event in your calendar!

Save the date: University of Gothenburg Partner Day 8 September 2025!

Make the most of your EAIE experience and join us at the start of the week for an exciting day where you will get to know our university even better.

Invitations will be sent to GU partners via email in the spring 2025.

The EAIE, European Association for International Education, organises a conference for stakeholders within higher education in a new city in Europe every year. In September 2025 the conference will be held in Gothenburg.

The focus of the conference is international collaboration in higher education. As a participant, you will have the chance to meet your academic institution’s partners, make new contacts, and participate in seminars and workshops. You will also have the opportunity to network with representatives both for new and specialized academic institutions and for traditional comprehensive universities from nearly every continent. The annual conference brings together vice-chancellors, politicians, heads of international departments and others engaged in international education. Usually, around 6,000 people from almost 100 countries attends.

West Swedish universities are hosting

The University of Gothenburg will host the conference together with five other universities in West Sweden: Chalmers, Jönköping University, the University of Borås, the University of Halmstad and the University of Skövde.

Conference Venue

Svenska Mässan, The Swedish Exhibition and Congress Centre


There will be many opportunities to meet up with your partners at the University of Gothenburg and to get to know the surrounding city. Aside from our Partner Day on 8 September, each of the eight GU faculties will be opening their doors for visitors and offer exciting programmes throughout the week. You will also have the opportunity to book the Campus Experience on 9 September as part of your EAIE conference fee, where you will be guided to our city campus through an interactive programme.

More information about upcoming events will be posted on this website in the course of the spring 2025. Please note that most of the events will be by invitation only.

Contact us

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GO-Create Gothenburg!

The theme of the conference in Gothenburg revolves around collaboration, innovation, and co-creation, tying into the city's commitment to sustainability, inclusion, and innovation. Since 2016 the city has been ranked first place in The Global Destination Sustainability Index. Gothenburg has also been named by the European Commission as a European Capital of Inclusion and Diversity and has received the European Access City Award for its commitment to accessibility and openness.

Read more about the theme

The city by the sea

When you visit Gothenburg, take the opportunity to experience our surroundings. There’s something for everyone. The city is by the sea, with an amazing archipelago nearby. There are world-class restaurants and cafes on every corner. Follow the links for suggestions about what you can see and do when you are here. There is also information about the best ways to travel to Gothenburg.