
A successful PhD defense


Congratulations to Dr. Ronja Helénsdotter, who successfully defended her dissertation in economics, titled 'Court-Ordered Care,' which studies children and youths who interact with the child protection system.

Ronja with flowers and her thesis
Photo: Jessica Oscarsson

"I hope that my study will motivate policy initiatives and future research that can improve the outcomes of children and youths in foster care, group homes, and institutions", says.Ronja Helénsdotter

The opponent was Professor Manudeep Bhuller from the Department of Economics, University of Oslo. The grading committee consisted of Professor Matthew Lindquist, Swedish Institute for Social Research, Stockholm University; Professor Mikael Lindahl, Department of Economics, University of Gothenburg; and Associate Professor Arizo Karimi, Department of Economics, Uppsala University. Professor Randi Hjalmarsson, Department of Economics, University of Gothenburg was the chair. 

Read the full thesis.