
Collaboration between the public and private sectors important for creating innovative change


A joint GOT KIES - EAEPE panel debate on Innovation at the Intersection of Public and Private Forces: Are there distinct roles for market and government? confronted the differing perspectives of Professor Mariana Mazzucato, University College London, and Professor Maureen McKelvey, University of Gothenburg, leading the GOT KIES network. The panel debate was moderated by Professor Nathalie Lazaric, Université Côte d’Azur, CNRS GREDEG in France; Visiting Professor at the University of Gothenburg; and President of the European Association of Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE).

Maureen McKelvey
Maureen McKelvey
Photo: Carina Gran

The debate focused upon key topics related to the role of market and government, and especially in relation to stimulating and regulating innovation and entrepreneurship to solve grand societal challenges. Although the question of whether or not there are distinct roles for market and government with regards to innovation has been long debated. GOT KIES and EAEPE set up the panel because new answers are needed about how and why promoting new knowledge, inventions and innovations are need in order to solve grand challenges facing society such as an aging population, personalized medicine, and environmental degradation. This panel discussion stimulated discussion on similarities and differences in their reflections over the core issue of innovation at the intersection of public and private forces, with 70 participants all over Europe. We in Gothenburg are particularly pleased to collaborate with EAEPE, through our tight association with VPP Professor Lazaric.

Mariana Mazzucato
Mariana Mazzucato

“Attending the panel was extremely interesting because it has raised fundamental issues about alternative forms of governance to promote innovation. It also has led to reflect on forms of co-creation that integrate multiple voices to imagine new solutions for societal challenges. Many thanks to both panelists, Prof. M. Mazzucato and Prof. M. McKelvey, for such a great discussion.  I really look forward to participating in future GOT KIES events."
Dr. Pablo D’Este, INGENIO (CSIC-UPV), Spain

"The debate offered thought-provoking views on the means and ends of the state in view of innovation. Mazzucato and McKelvey discussed what mandates that should be given to civil servants, and what types of innovation scholarship that is required to further our understanding of the interplay between the public and private sectors. Both professors advocated systemic perspectives, but presented differing views on how to best understand the role of private entrepreneurs in contemporary innovation."
Dr. Anders Broström, KTH (INDEK), Stockholm


Film from the panel debate

Navigate to video: Panel debate: Innovation at the Intersection of Public and Private Forces: Are there distinct roles for market and government?
Video (1:02:08)
Panel debate: Innovation at the Intersection of Public and Private Forces: Are there distinct roles for market and government?
Panel debate: Innovation at the Intersection of Public and Private Forces: Are there distinct roles for market and government?