SWERVE workshop
SWERVE workshop in Gothenburg.
Photo: Markus Lindh/SMHI

Conductivity, temperature and depth in focus at first SWERVE workshop


The first workshop for technicians in the SWERVE network took place in Gothenburg. The focus of the day was on CTD and providing a theoretical understanding of one of the most important marine instruments available today.

"This is an excellent opportunity for marine technicians to gain a deeper understanding of the instruments used in today's research. We look forward to continuing the training on board the vessels in January," says Björn Lindell, Coordinator, Vessel Unit at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU.  

The national infrastructure SWERVE (Swedish Research Vessel Infrastructure for Marine Research) is funded by the Swedish Research Council (VR) and has now started the first two parts of a training programme for the CTD instrument. 

CTD stands for Conductivity, Temperature and Depth and is one of the most important instruments in marine research. The workshop is mainly aimed at technicians in the SWERVE network and aims to give participants from different parts of the SWERVE network the opportunity to ask questions and deepen their knowledge in all aspects of CTD. 

On board R/V Skagerak
The CTD on board R/V Skagerak.
Photo: Astrid Hylén

SWERVE will organise further workshops in 2025

During the day, participants had the opportunity to discuss both the theoretical and practical aspects of CTD technology, while deepening their knowledge of how this tool is used in the field.  This is a perfect opportunity for technicians to share experiences and ask questions of SMHI's experts.

CTD is the first topic in SWERVE's training programmes for technicians. In 2025 there will be more workshops focusing on ship instruments.

The next step in the training series focusing on CTDs will take place on 17 January on board the research vessels Skagerak and Svea, where participants will get a hands-on check of CTD equipment under real conditions at sea.

Fakta: Swedish Research Vessel Infrastructure for Marine Research (SWERVE)
  • SWERVE är en nationell infrastruktur som finansieras av Vetenskapsrådet (VR). 
  • Målet med SWERVE är att förbättra tillgängligheten till fartyg, utrustning, teknisk expertis och data för det svenska, marina forskningssamhället. 
  • SWERVE består av ett konsortium som utgörs av Polarforskningssekretariatet (SPRS), Sveriges geologiska undersökning (SGU), SMHI, Stockholms universitet (SU), Umeå universitet (UmU, och Göteborgs universitet (GU).
  • Tillsammans har dessa organisationer tillgång till sex avancerade forskningsfartyg (R/V Svea, R/V Electra, S/V Ocean Surveyor, KBV 181, I/B Oden and R/V Skagerak), samt infrastruktur för datahantering och stöd via Nationellt Oceanografiskt DataCenter