
Continued success for migration research at University of Gothenburg


After the results are in from the application rounds for research grants this autumn, it is clear that migration researchers at the University of Gothenburg have once again been very successful.

No less than ten projects, representing many subject areas, have been granted funding. Social anthropology, Art and Design, Religion, Business administration and Education are just some of the research areas represented in this year’s granted projects.

University of Gothenburg dominates migration call

University of Gothenburg is by far the most successful university when it comes to the National research programme within migration and integration (Swedish Research Council). From a total of twelve granted projects, five are from the university.

CGM director Andrea Spehar is the national coordinator of knowledge exchange between the projects granted funding within the research programme. A first meeting was held in November this year, and the next meeting, on research communication, is in February 2020.

- That so many of the granted projects are from researchers at the University of Gothenburg is of course very good news. But I look forward to welcoming all new projects to our next meeting, she says.

List of granted migration research projects

See below for a list of granted projects in this year’s calls. CGM congratulates the successful project leaders and participants and look forward to cooperate with you!


Erling Björgvinsson, HDK – Academy of Design and Crafts
PLACED: Accommodating refugees and asylum seekers and the spatial production of hospitality and otherness.
2 997 677 SEK


Lisa Åkesson and Jörgen Hellman, School of Global Studies
Everyday practices of integration: Negotiating identity through culture, ethnicity and religion.
4 900 000 SEK

Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (RJ)

Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist, Gothenburg Research Institute (GRI) at the School of Business, Economics and Law
Increasing diversity and inclusion – global strategies, challenges and consequences.
2 810 000 SEK

Swedish Research Council (VR)

National research programme within migration and integration
Joakim Berndtsson, School of Global Studies
Migrationskontroll på entreprenad: Utlokalisering av EU:s gränser till Afrika.(Migration Control by Contract: Relocating the EU Borders to Africa)
4 453 600 SEK

Emma Ek Österberg and Patrik Zapata, School of Public Administration, María José Zapata Campos, Department of Business Administration
Förändrade roller och framväxande nätverk. Kommuner som arbetsgivare, upphandlare och entreprenör i arbetsmarknadsintegration. (Changed Roles and Emerging Networks. Municipalities as Employers, Procurers and Entrepreneurs in Labour Market Integration)
ca 5 900 000 SEK

Gabriella Elgenius, Department of Sociology and Work Science
´Rethinking Integration´: A comparative mixed methods study of civil society action in vulnerable superdiverse neighbourhoods in Sweden.
3 772 288 SEK

Daniel Enstedt, Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion
Levd religion och social mobilitet bland migranter i Sverige. (Lived Religion and Social Mobility among Migrants in Sweden)
5 875 324 SEK

Camilla Orjuela, School of Global Studies
Transnationella liv i förtryckets skugga: Unga i diasporan och kampen om demokratin. (Transnational Lives in the Shadow of Oppression: Young in Diaspora and the Struggle for Democracy.)
4 375 805 SEK

Project grant for Research on Racism and Discrimination
Lena Wängnerud, Department of Political Science
Att skapa legitimitet i migrations- och asylprocesser: Ett genusperspektiv. (Creating Legitimacy in Migration and Asylum processes: A gender perspective.)
2 828 000 SEK

Development research, preliminary decision
Anja Karlsson Franck, School of Global Studies
How migrants seek protection: Navigating the regular/irregular divide in migration from Myanmar.
4 470 172 SEK
(The Swedish Research Councils call in Development research is funded by the Development Aid-budget, and the result is therefore preliminary until the budget has been approved in January 2020)

Earlier this year, two additional migration research projects received funding

Martin Harling, Department of Pedagogical, Curricular and Professional Studies
After the crisis. Migration, education and work-life in interdisciplinary light
Forte, Challenges in Working Life 2019, Network grant 596 000 SEK

Mats Andrén, Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion
Europe in the Mind: Unity, Borders, Crisis
Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, RJ Sabbatical, 1 629 000 SEK