Harvard Medical School

Darko Sarovic is now postdoctoral research fellow at Harvard Medical School


Darko Sarovic is now postdoctoral research fellow at Harvard Medical School.

We are thrilled to announce that Darko Sarovic is now a postdoctoral research fellow in radiology with a dual affiliation at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

In December 2022, Darko Sarovic successfully defended his thesis on A multimodal approach toward the biological categorization of autism.

Darko Sarovic
Darko Sarovic
Photo: Max Thorsson

Darko's postdoc will be centred around the startup of a project on social communication in autism.  An experimental setup will be used where two individuals are scanned simultaneously (this is called ”hyperscanning”) using electrophysiological methods (magneto- and electroencephalography) during social interactions.

This approach will allow for analysis of live neural processing during the interaction, involving both the sending and receiving of social information, rather that just studying the neural responses to social stimuli. This is similar to the improved conclusions one can draw from using longitudinal studies compared with cross-sectional ones.

I am excited to continue my PhD work using magnetoencephalography to study autism together with a world leading center for magnetoencephalography. My local collaborators have been instrumental in developing magnetoencephalography as a method, the analysis pipelines most widely used, and many have extensive experience studying autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders.

In addition to this, Darko is also starting up a methodological proof-of-concept study for hyperscanning, and is also involved in a diagnostic biomarker study for Alzheimer’s.