
Elisabeth Punzi lectured at program launch in Boston


Elisabeth Punzi, associate professor at the Department of Psychology and cluster leader for the Heritage and Wellbeing cluster at Centre for Critical Heritage Studies, lectured at the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (MCPHS) on September 6.

It was at the start of the term that MCPHS in Boston launched its new program called Health Humanities. Elisabeth Punzi was therefore invited to make a presentation on the heritage of psychiatry with a focus on artistic expression.

Together with Maria Sjöberg and Helene Whittaker, both professors at the Department of Historical Studies, Elisabeth Punzi has also established a collaboration between MCPHS and University of Gothenburg. The idea is to re-launch the subject of medical humanities. In the future, the aim is to establish an international master's program and be able to offer a student exchange with MCPHS.

At the University of Gothenburg, staff from psychology, social work, history, religion, literature and philosophy are represented in the collaboration. 

Read more: Heritage and Wellbeing Cluster

In the top picture (from left): Dien Ho, Director of the Center for Healthcare Humanities, Elisabeth Punzi, Delia Anderson, Dean of the School of Arts & Sciences and Kenneth Richman, Professor of philosophy and healthcare ethics.