
Erik Elias receives The Håkan Ahlman Award


The SCCR research group leader Erik Elias was one of two recipients of The Håkan Ahlman Award during the Annual ENETS conference 2022.

The 11th of March, during the 2022 edition of the Annual ENETS Conference, Erik Elias received The Håkan Ahlman Award in Barcelona as one of two lauriates (he shares the award with Arman Ardalan).

They have been awarded within the framework of the 19th Annual ENETS (European neuroendocrine tumor society) Conference 2022 and 1st World NET Forum 2022, with the following motivation:

For their outstanding article entitled “Independent somatic evolution underlies clustered neuroendocrine tumors in the human small intestine” in Nature communications (2021) 12:6367

Receiving The Håkan Ahlman Award was according to Erik Elias also appreciated because of the local connection. Namely since Håkan Ahlman was a professor of Endocrine Surgery at University of Gothenburg since 1994. He had over a hundred publications in the field of neuroendocrine tumors and was a founding member of ENET in 1995 and of ENETS in 2004. 

Take part of the winning publication from Erik Elias: 
Independent somatic evolution underlies clustered neuroendocrine tumors in the human small intestine