Researchers in Venice
Some of the EUTOPIA team members: Maria Persson, Cécile Doustaly, Vincent Marcilhac, Eva Maria Jernsand, Vladi Finotti, Chiara Rinaldi, Emma Björner and José Fernandez Cavia
Photo: University of Gothenburg

Eutopia researchers meet in Venice


Researchers at Centre for Tourism visited Ca’Foscari University in Italy to take the next steps in coordinating research community on tourism and experiences.

Centre for Tourism (CFT) is the coordinator of a EUTOPIA university alliance research community on tourism and experiences. The centre has recently received 100 000 SEK funding from the Research and Innovation Services to continue coordinating the community.

In November, the CFT members Maria Persson, Emma Björner and Eva Maria Jernsand visited Ca’Foscari University in Venice to take the next steps on calls and projects. The meeting was facilitated by former CFT member Chiara Rinaldi, who is now a researcher at Ca’Foscari.

Other attendants, among others, were Elena Raviola (guest professor from University of Gothenburg at Ca’Foscari), two researchers from CY Cergy University in Paris and one from Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona.