On 27 May at 14:00 we will be throwing open our digital doors to invite you to the opening of the Faculty of Humanities’ new building. We promise celebratory speeches, a virtual tour of our new home and an exciting panel discussion on the role of the humanities in society.
“I am really looking forward to finally opening our beautiful new building, albeit digitally. Humanisten is a particularly alluring place to be in the spring, when the rhododendrons around the Näckrosdammen pond begin to come into bloom. When we are eventually able to meet in person in the building, hopefully in the near future, I hope and believe that this will become an important meeting place for academia and Gothenburgers alike,” says Marie Demker, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities.
Construction of the new Humanisten building began in 2016 and it was ready to move into at the beginning of 2020. For the first time ever, Humanisten brings together the entire Faculty of Humanities under the same roof, and it has been built on the basis that it is through meeting together that learning takes place.
27 May, 14:00
- Eva Wiberg, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Gothenburg
- Marie Demker, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities
- Daniel Johansson, Chair of the Göta Studentkår Humanities Section.
- Magnus Huss, Business Area Director at Akademiska Hus
- The Gothenburg Brass Quintet featuring Katarina Hemlin
- Master of Ceremonies Jörgen Kyle, PhD in History
- As well as a virtual guided tour with one of our students, Ester Hillgren.
Panel discussion following the grand opening:
Humanisten – openness to conversation and deepening knowledge
Where would the world and society be without the perspectives offered by the humanities? Without any knowledge of the past, languages or culture, about the phenomena and circumstances that make us human beings and how these have changed over time? Reflection and analysis are just as important for all societies as innovation and creativity, and by working in partnership with the wider community, humanities-based research is able to help with solving local, regional and global social challenges.
As part of the ceremonies to mark the opening of Humanisten, join us for a panel discussion focusing on the role of the humanities in society and the opportunities afforded to us by our new home. Thanks to this new building, Gothenburg has gained a new and obvious meeting place that we hope will help to raise awareness of the importance of the humanities and their perspectives on the challenges of the future, as well as increasing our partnerships with the wider community.
Moderator: Marie Demker, Dean
Panel: Johan Ling, Department of Historical Studies, Cecilia Lindhé, Centre for Digital Humanities, Per Holmberg, Department of Swedish, Andrea Castro, Department of Languages and Literatures, Joakim Sandberg, Department of Philosophy, Linguistics, Theory of Science, Lena Martinsson, Department of Cultural Sciences
Additional material
- Interview with Meriç Algün, the artist who created the art installations on display in Humanisten.
- Interview with PerEric Persson of KUB architects about the architecture of Humanisten.
- A feature including the Göta students’ union arts section (Göta studentkårs humanistsektion).
How to attend the opening
You can follow the virtual grand opening programme right here.