Mattias Goksör
Photo: Aykut Argun

IVA elects Mattias Goksör as new member


Professor Mattias Goksör at the Department of Physics has been elected as a new member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA). He hopes to contribute valuable perspectives on sustainable and energy-efficient AI.

Congratulations, Mattias! How do you feel?

"I feel incredibly honored and inspired to be elected into IVA. This is a unique opportunity for me to contribute to important conversations and initiatives in technology and innovation."

How do you hope to contribute?

"I hope to contribute my entrepreneurial perspective, especially on sustainable and energy-efficient AI and how these technologies can be used to solve the energy challenges AI is facing now, as it is being integrated into more applications. I also want to highlight the importance of collaboration between academia and industry to create real progress."

What are you most looking forward to?

"I am looking forward to working with other members to promote Swedish innovation and sustainable development. It will be exciting to exchange ideas and experiences with people from so many different fields."

How does this impact your current role at the University of Gothenburg?

"It strengthens my role as a bridge-builder between research and society. I see it as an opportunity to further position the University of Gothenburg as a contributor to sustainable solutions through interdisciplinary research and innovation."