A collage of several images of students singing and playing musical instruments
Photo: Johan Wingborg, Mikael Zanqrelle

Lunch Box – a new events series


Welcome to Lunch Box, a new series of events where each occasion gives the stage to one of the educational programmes at the Academy of Music and Drama. Always at lunch time and always free admission. Feel free to enjoy the event along with your own boxed lunch.

Location: Eklandagatan 86, room 2150
Time: 12.15–13.00 (except 19 Sept)
Find more information in our calendar

Lunchlådan hösten 2024

19 Sept Improvisation and world music (Note duration 12.00–14.30)
3 Oct Church music
10 Oct Individual musician programme
17 Oct Opera
24 Oct Information to be published soon
7 Nov Classical music
21 Nov Chamber music (Opera and classical music)
28 Nov Music Teacher students