
New research: Political Economy of Listing of Substances of Very High Concern in the European REACH Regulation

In a recent study, FRAM researcher Jessica Coria reveals that the design of the political process leading to the listing of substances of very high concern (SVHC) in the European REACH regulation has favored pro-industry interests.

The data that FRAM researcher Jessica Coria presents in her study shows that economic considerations have played an important role in the process of listing SVHCs since national economic interests have affected not only the decisions to submit a dossier but also what substances to propose for inclusion on the list of SVHC. The evidence she presents suggests that countries submit dossiers mainly for substances where they expect little opposition from other member countries or from domestic actors.

ChemSec – the International Chemical Secretariat has written a popular science article with illustrating infographics about the results. Read it on their website: Revealed: Economic interests – not health concerns – dictate EU chemicals legislation
Read the full study by FRAM researcher Jessica Coria.