Nicklas Nordfors fotograferad på Handelshögskolan
Photo: Jessica Oscarsson

Nicklas Nordfors – New Researcher Focused on Environment and Development


Nicklas Nordfors, new researcher at the Department of Economics, focuses on environmental and development economics, particularly in relation to cities.
– A large portion of the world’s population lives in developing countries and cities, yet there is still so much we don’t know about them, he says.

In September, Nicklas Nordfors defended his PhD in Economics at Stockholm University, where he also completed his Master’s degree. He obtained his Bachelor's degree at the University of Gothenburg. 

Nicklas’ research centers on environmental and development economics, with a particular focus on cities.

"I find this area fascinating because a large portion of the world's population lives in developing countries and cities, yet there is still much we don't know about them. Additionally, environmental issues are often far more severe in developing countries compared to wealthier nations", he says.

Currently, Nicklas is working on the chapters from his dissertation. These projects explore the impact of trade liberalization on water pollution, how rapid population growth in Sub-Saharan African cities affects urban expansion, and how drought influences urban growth.

"Furthermore, I am part of a research project in collaboration with researchers from Stockholm University, the University of California Berkeley, Stanford, Caltech, and MIT, where we are digitizing an archive of 1.6 million aerial photographs, starting from the late 1930s, to study urbanization, deforestation, and environmental changes, primarily in former British colonies". 

Text: Jessica Oscarsson

Nicklas PhD thesis "Essays on Development and the Environment"

Contact Nicklas Nordfors