Kristian Bolin and Ewa Wikström
Kristian Bolin and Ewa Wikström accepted the donation of SEK 15 million from Lundberg's Research Foundation.
Photo: Magnus Gotander /Lundbergs Forskningssstiftelse

Research on the value of medical technology receives SEK 15 million


The Centre for Health Governance receives SEK 15 million from the Lundberg's Research Foundation to study the socioeconomic value of medical technology. The project is unique through its combination of several different perspectives. The donation was announced in connection with the celebration of the foundation's 40th anniversary on 28 September.

“The project will provide knowledge about what investments in medical technology mean from a socioeconomic perspective, including patient and organizational perspectives”, says Professor Ewa Wikström, Head of the Centre for Health Governance.

Prioritization are becoming increasingly important and increasingly difficult in healthcare. The priorities are usually guided by the fact that the available care should reach as many people as possible. The risk is that this contributes to the exclusion of investments in technologies that cost a lot initially, even though in the longer term they may benefit many and be resource efficient. The current research project is unique through its combination of several different perspectives.

“We will do a socioeconomic analysis of the importance of medical technologies that includes both society, patients and the decision-making and organization of care. This means that we get to work with data that is not usually combined, which can produce very interesting results. In the long term, we will provide well-founded information to decision-makers within healthcare”, says Ewa Wikström.

Both the patient and organizational perspectives require the collection of new data, mainly in the form of interviews. Other data are already available.

“We shall also follow up on medical technology investments that have already been made by retrieving data from existing registers. In that part, we will be able to present results in three years”, concludes Ewa Wikström.

The project will run over three years and is carried out at the Centre for Health Governance at the University of Gothenburg - a strategic collaboration between the School of Business, Economics and Law and the Sahlgrenska Academy, with a special focus on Health Management and Health Economics. The purpose of the centre is to generate directly applicable knowledge with significance for the health care sector.

Read the full press release from the Lundberg's Research Foundation (in Swedish).

About the project ”Medicinska teknologier – samhällsekonomiska kostnader, tillgänglighet och kostnadseffektivitet” (Medical technologies – socio-economic costs, availability and cost-effectiveness)

Financed by: IngaBritt and Arne Lundberg’s Research Foundation

Project period: 2023-01-01 to 2025-12-31

Overall objective:
Improve knowledge of the individual, organizational and socioeconomic significance of medical technologies and improved treatment methods, and clarify and analyse relevant decision-making and implementation processes in the context.

Three sub-projects:

  • Health economic analysis
  • Patient experience
  • Organizational perspective on the introduction of medical technology

Participating researchers:
Kristian Bolin, Professor, Health Economics, Project Manager
Ewa Wikström, Professor, Health Governance, Head of Centre for Health Governance
Gustav Kjellsson, Associate Professor, Economics
Mikael Cäker, Associate Professor, Business Administration