After upper secondary school Ellen Molin studied the Introductory course in English at the University of Gothenburg. She chose to do it in Brighton on the south coast of England.
– It's the perfect course for anyone ready to try something new, spread their wings, and become more confident in their English, she says.
How did the idea of studying this course in Brighton come about?
My sister has lived in Brighton, and I’ve also been there on vacation a few times, so I already knew I liked the city a lot. When I saw on that there was a chance to study in England, I didn’t hesitate to apply.
What have you studied previously?
When I studied in Brighton, I only had an upper secondary education andno previous university experience.
How would you describe your time in Brighton?
Above all, it was really fun, with lots of new friends and situations I probably never would have encountered in Sweden. It was amazing to meet like-minded people who want to explore England and its culture. Of course, it was also very intense since the course is only 20 weeks long.
How did your English develop?
My English improved a lot, not just academically but also the everyday English that I might have felt a bit uncomfortable with before. I think this was largely because I lived as a lodger with a woman in the city, which meant I had daily interactions with her in English.
What are the advantages of taking the course in Brighton?
There are plenty of advantages, but I would say the biggest one is that you get all the benefits of studying at a Swedish university while being in England and outside the EU. Since everything you do is through the University of Gothenburg, you’re entitled to CSN, insurance, and support from their staff, which felt very reassuring.
What advice would you give to someone considering studying in Brighton?
Make the most of your time there! The University of Sussex has lots of activities you can get involved in, so take advantage of that. It can feel scary and lonely to move to a new country, but the fact that your whole class is Swedish gives you a feeling of comfort.
How would you describe Brighton as a city?
Brighton is a very active and vibrant city where there’s always something happening. There’s the beautiful Brighton Beach, which offers amazing sunsets, but it’s also a bustling city full of life, shopping, and clubs. Brighton truly has something for everyone, and don’t forget that London is just an hour away by train!
What is your best memory from your time in Brighton?
My best memory is all the times we got to watch football and have a beer with friends. The atmosphere is hard to beat!
What are your plans now?
I’ve started my bachelor in journalism. Even though I’ve begun studying in Sweden in Swedish, I’ve gained a lot from my time in England. Not just what I learned at the university about academic writing, but also all the social skills you develop from moving to a completely new country on your own.
Study English in Brighton
It’s our introductory English course, EN1110, that you can choose to study in England. You’ll take the course through the University of Gothenburg but study at the University of Sussex and live in Brighton.
The course is taught full-time over one semester (30 credits, ECTS)