Photo of Suvi Heikkuri

Suvi Heikkuri receives the Wallander scholarship 2024


Suvi Heikkuri is one of the recipients of the Wallander scholarship 2024. The scholarship is awarded by the foundation “Jan Wallanders och Tom Hedelius stiftelse samt Tore Browaldhs stiftelse”, and the recipients are excellent young scholars who have received their PhD degree during the last year.

Suvi Heikkuri received her PhD in Economic History from the School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg, in June 2024, after having successfully defended her doctoral thesis Technological change, skills, and occupational structure in Sweden, 1870- 1950.

She is currently working as a postdoctoral researcher at Università degli Studi di Siena in Italy, under the supervision of Gabriele Cappelli. The project investigates the development of human capital from early modern guilds to technical schooling at the turn of the twentieth century. 

With the Wallander scholarship, she will return to Sweden and her plan is to continue studying technological change and the labor markets in Sweden over the next three years. This includes a small project on occupational structure and income distribution, and one on regional migration and skills development.

Read the news about the results from Suvi Heikkuri’s doctoral thesis: Technological change led to increased demands on occupational skills – but not always | University of Gothenburg

About the scholarship

The scholarships are intended to fund the continued research of prominent younger newly graduated doctors in the economic disciplines. The scholarships provide three-year full funding for the holder giving the scholar the possibility to further merit themselves as researchers in their early career as academics, and aim to enable him/her to achieve Associate professor competence.

More information (in Swedish): Start | Wallander Hedelius Browaldh