
SWERVE: Call for ship-time 2025-2026


Welcome with your application for ship time on board any of the vessels that are part of SWERVE. Deadline is October 13, 2024!

A core objective of SWERVE (Swedish Research Vessel Infrastructure for Marine Research) is to enhance the accessibility of Swedish research vessels for Swedish marine research.

SWERVE is therefore coordinating an open call for ship time, whereby high quality research proposals will be allocated ship time on one of six SWERVE vessels.

You can find all information on the call guidelines and application form here:

Ship-Time – SWERVE

Please send the applications to our co-ordinator: by the 13th October 2024.

More information regarding the application and SWERVE can be found here:

Home – SWERVE 


Swedish Research Vessel Infrastructure for Marine Research (SWERVE) is a national infrastructure funded by the Swedish Research Council (VR) to provide improved access to vessel and data infrastructure for Swedish marine researchers and support training of a national network of marine technicians. 
The University of Gothenburg is the host organisation for SWERVE and is responsible for the management and delivery of the infrastructure.