University of Gothenburg
SMILS 2024 logotyp

SMILS 2024

The Swedish Microfluidics in Life Science conference unites experts in micro- and nanofluidics. It's an excellent platform for young researchers to improve their presentation skills, focusing on Swedish research teams in a small-sized conference. The event fosters collaboration among professionals from universities, institutes, and companies across Sweden, featuring keynote speakers recognized as leaders in their research areas.

Swedish Microfluidics in Life Sciences Conference 4-5 June 2024

The 2024 SMILS conference will be jointly hosted by the Department of Life Sciences at Chalmers and the Department of Physics at the University of Gothenburg.

Plenary speakers

Plenary speakers

Prof. Aleksandra Radenovic from EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland

Prof. Yuval Ebenstein from Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel

Prof. Heidi Ottevaere from VUB, Brussel, Belgium

Prof. Tuomas Knowles from University of Cambridge, UK

Assistant Professor Julea Vlassakis from Rice University, Texas, USA


Conference Chairs

Caroline Beck Adiels, University of Gothenburg
Fredrik Westerlund, Chalmers


The conference will take place at Chalmers University of Technology, at Campus Johanneberg, in the Chemistry building.

Adress: Enter from Kemigården 4, take staircase D to floor 5 where you will find KE-salen (room 5302).

Link to Google maps

Tram stop: Chalmers (linje 6, 7, 8, 10)
Buss stop: Chalmers tvärgata (linje 61)

eutopia logga
Chalmers Nano logga
Bergman labora logga
Chalmers material logga
Astro logga
area of advance health logo
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lab on a chip logo
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Abstract submissions

Please send your abstract to using the following subject line in the e-mail header: SMILS2024_Abstract. You will find the abstract template as a file to download on this page.

Abstract instructions

  • To begin, please download the abstract template (pdf-file found on this page) and adhere closely to the provided format. Abstracts that do not adhere to the specified guidelines will not be accepted.

  • The deadline for submissions is 15 April, 2024. Abstracts received after the deadline will not be considered.
  • Your abstract should be in PDF format and no longer than one A4 page.
  • Email the finalized abstract document to Caroline Beck Adiels and ensure the subject line reads: SMILS2024_Abstract.
  • Authors should be aware that their abstracts will be distributed to all participants.

Review process

  • Submitted abstracts will undergo peer review by the Scientific Committee within two weeks of the submission deadline.
  • Author notifications will be sent out no earlier than 29 April, 2024. Authors will be invited to present either orally or via a poster.
  • The conference co-chairs , who head the scientific committee, will make the final decision on abstracts.

If you have any inquiries, please don't hesitate to get in touch!

Download abstract template here:

Abstract Template SMILS2024 (pdf)