University of Gothenburg

Send in Project Application

PPS welcomes all researchers in Sweden to submit project requests in the areas of protein production and purification.

PPS provides a web-based portal for project requests. By submitting all information at the same time, both contact information and project information, we can assign a PPS contact for your project and also save the information for future purposes.

Please be advised to have all necessary information available before starting the application procedure (see details below).

When you start the application it has to be completed during the same session or you will have to restart the procedure at another time. The completion time for the application is approximately 10 minutes. The project application will be in English.

If you first want to discuss your project with us, you can contact anyone in the contact list or send an email to

Confirmation for you application

When you have submitted your application you will get a confirmation email, and you will be contacted by PPS for further discussion.

Note that this is not a grant application. There will be a cost for your project, which is subsidized by the Swedish Research Council. As protein production and purification are complex processes that need to be  adapted to suit each protein, the cost will be estimated individually for each project. After submission of  a project application and follow-up discussions, you will get a cost estimate for the work and thereafter you can decide how to proceed.

Information that needs to be included in your application

  • Contact details of applicant and PI
  • Billing details
  • Grant for the project
  • Short description of the project
  • Protein information
  • Published literature citations if needed
  • Expression/purification protocol(s) if needed

For support regarding the project application form, please contact

Frida Jacobson
Mon-Thur 10 am – 4 pm CET

Good Research Practice

PPS encourage all researchers to follow the guidelines from the Swedish Research Council regarding good research practice including ethical considerations. PI’s are responsible for valid ethical approval of research studies.