A study of the implementation of Sweden’s feminist foreign policy
Short description
In 2014, Sweden became the first country in the world to declare a feminist foreign policy, which shall permeate the three policy areas encompassed by Swedish foreign policy – foreign and security policy, development cooperation, and trade and promotion policy.
Ann Towns (P.I.), Kristen Kao, Elin Bjarnegård (Uppsala University) and Katarzyna Jezierska (University West) have been designated by the Expert Group of Aid Studies (EBA) to assess the Swedish Feminist Foreign Policy over time and its implementation and effectiveness across contexts.
The assessment will be carried out during 2022, with the final report delivered in 2023.
Report "More Than a Label, Less Than a Revolution: Sweden’s Feminist Foreign Policy"
During eight years, 2014–2022, Sweden pursued a feminist foreign policy (FFP). Sweden was the first country in the world to declare an FFP and also became the first country to retract one. Since 2014, FFP has spread internationally, and around ten countries have declared their own versions. But to what degree and how was Sweden’s feminist foreign policy translated into practical action in terms of gender equality work? The EBA report More Than a Label, Less Than a Revolution: Sweden’s Feminist Foreign Policy (EBA 2023:02) presents the first systematic study of the implementation of FFP. It follows the implementation chain from the Government to embassies and public authorities within the three areas of foreign policy – development cooperation, security policy, and trade and promotion.
You find the report here.
Response to the report
Article in OmVärlden "Ny syn på jämställdhet då regering ändrar sin biståndspolitik", 2023-08-18
Article in DN "Feministisk utrikespolitik har visst gett resultat", 2023-08-29
Article in FemPers "Feministisk utrikespolitik spelar roll", 2023-08-31
Article in OmVärlden "Rapport: Feministisk utrikespolitik var mer än en etikett", 2023-09-01
Article in ETC "Ny rapport: Feministisk utrikespolitik gjorde visst skillnad", 2023-09-04
Article in Syre "Feministisk utrikespolitik gjorde skillnad: ”En stark signaleffekt”, 2023-09-01
Interpellation debate in Sweden's Riksdag "Avskaffandet av den feministiska utrikespolitiken", 2023-09-29
Article in NSD "Den feministiska utrikespolitiken gav Sverige ett gott renommé i världen", 2024-01-28
Article in Gazette De Femmes "La diplomatie féministe, une résonance mondiale", 2024-02-08
Article in Diakonia "Den feministiska utrikespolitiken gjorde visst skillnad!"