Photo: George Becker, Pexels

Advancing the Shift-of-Strategy Approach

Research project
Active research
Project period
2020 - ongoing
Project owner
Department of Psychology

Short description

In the present project, we aim to substantially advance research on The Shift-of-Strategy (SoS) approach, to widen its applicability to a variety of situations and to develop an effective training package that is ready to be deployed with a range of different audiences of practitioners.

The Shift-of-Strategy approach

Interviewers must frequently question people who are motivated to conceal information and also to produce an impression that they are cooperating with the interviewer. The Shift-of-Strategy (SoS) approach is an interrogation technique designed to improve interrogators’ ability to obtain new information from such people. The SoS approach involves questioning sources strategically and challenging statements that are discrepant with the interrogator’s knowledge in a non-accusatory manner that encourages people to shift their strategy and become more forthcoming with information. Initial testing has provided promising results for the effectiveness of the SoS approach.


Timothy Luke, Senior lecturer and lead researcher
Lina Nyström, PhD student