The picture shows some people sitting around a table drinking wine.
Photo: Pexels, Helena Lopes

The Psychology of Addiction

Research group
Active research
Project owner
Department of Psychology

Short description

In the research group Addiction Psychology: Experimental and Clinical research (APEC) we are especially interested in different psychological processes, for example thought, emotions and behaviour, in relation to use of alcohol and other drugs. Our research focuses on both immediate and long term effects of alcohol and drug use, and what psychological risk factors that could contribute to develop an addiction. Included are effects on fetuses and the growing baby, that is, long term consequences of consuming alcohol during pregnancy. We also study how commissions are performed, what methods of assessment should be used, and what psychological treatments that are effective for addiction treatment. In addition, we also study how alcohol affects memory and cognition among witnesses to crime and how the police best should conduct investigative interviews with such witnesses.


Associate professors 

PhD Students

Affiliated researchers