Children, young people and families in Social Work
Short description
The research group Children, young people and families in social work conducts studies of different family forms and practices. We examine the living conditions of children and young people in different contexts, and conduct research on the practice of social work in collaboration with various social activities. The research conducted focuses on comparing a variety of aspects of the life situation of children, young people and families, both historically and today - nationally as well as transnationally and internationally. We c The purpose is for both research questions and results to be used in social work. We are also interested in the role of the welfare state and civil society, as well as the opportunities for social work for both structural and individual support.
Our research
"Children, young people and families in social work" includes research on contemporary family life from an international and comparative perspective with a focus on vulnerability, strength but also young people's path to adult life and family formation. Focus on interventions and outcomes are strategic elements in several of the current projects.
Several of our members have been coordinators for EU-financed projects in the research area. The program started in 1990 when the first professorship was established, now with a new holder. Over the years, more than 19 doctoral dissertations have been produced and more are on the way. Several of the former doctoral students are now established senior researchers in the field.
Members of the research group have well-established collaborative relationships with other research groups regarding poverty, ethnicity and welfare policy.
Our researcher group meet regularly and exchange experiences and discuss new literature and future project plans.