
Civil Society Organizations as Diplomatic Actors? How Civil Society Influences Feminist and Anti-gender Foreign Policy in an Era of Polarization

Research project
Active research
Project period
2023 - ongoing
Project owner
University West

Short description

This project aims to examine, compare and theorize civil society organizations’ (C SO) knowledge production and advocacy in (anti)gender issues in the international arena. The project intervenes at the intersection of diplomacy and civil society scholarship.


Gender equality is an issue polarizing international politics. On the one hand, since 1970s strong currents favor gender equality (pro-gender) in international organizations and in individual states, e.g. Sweden’s feminist foreign policy. On the other hand, in the last decade the currents opposing gender equality are on the rise (antigender). These dramatic new developments raise crucial questions about the knowledge-production and diffusion of (anti)gender ideas internationally. This project aims to examine, compare and theorize civil society organizations’ (C SO) knowledge production and advocacy in (anti)gender issues in the international arena. The project intervenes at the intersection of diplomacy and civil society scholarship with two foci:

1. CSO advocacy for pro-/anti-gender foreign policy domestically and in international arenas

2. CSO knowledge production and policy advice on gender issues in Ministries of Foreign Affairs, including training of diplomats abroad

The case studies are one state pursuing pro-gender foreign policy (Sweden), one anti-gender foreign policy (Poland) and one international organization (European Union) where the pro- and anti-gender positions clash. For three years, a variety of qualitative methods will be used to capture the strategies, networks and framing of pro/anti-gender C SOs’ influence on foreign policy. The results will be of major importance in moving the study of civil society, diplomacy and international polarization on gender forward.

Research Questions:

The aim of this project is to examine, compare and theorize CSOs’ knowledge production and advocacy in (anti)gender issues in the international arena, in the context of the growing polarization on gender equality. Hence, the project intervenes at the intersection of diplomacy and civil society scholarship with two broad research questions:

1. How do CSOs advocate for pro-/anti-gender foreign policy domestically and in international arenas? (What strategies, networks and framing do they utilize?)

2. How do CSOs produce knowledge and provide policy advice on gender issues in MFAs, including training of diplomats abroad?