Clean Care
Short description
The objective of the project is to reduce the risk of healthcare-associated infections and spreading of antibiotic resistant bacteria in healthcare establishments, through (1) understanding of origin and pathways, (2) breaking these pathways, (3) verifying consequences, and (4) disseminating knowledge and increasing national and international cooperation.
The Clean Care project was initiated in May 2018 and will be completed in August 2020. Vinnova funds the project within the program Challenge Driven Innovation.
The project is coordinated by RISE, Research Institute of Sweden. Partners in the project like LifeClean, LED Tailor, BioThema and Karolinska Institutet will evaluate innovative technologies for surface disinfection and quality control, while Arjo, Cellcomb and Tobii, together with Halmstad University, will focus on hygienic design, user studies and business model innovation. Getinge and Toul Meditech, together with Sahlgrenska University Hospital, will conduct a clinical study in which the goal is to optimize air quality in the operating room as well as systematic quality control and follow-up of environment in the operating room and surgical site infections of treated patients.