
Clinical Neurophysiology

Research group

Short description

Clinical Neurophysiology pursues basic science studies on the physiology and pathophysiology of the human autonomic nervous system, focusing mainly on sympathetic neuro-effector function – how it is controlled, and how it is altered in disease.

Clinical R&D includes monitoring cerebral function during intensive care, prehospital diagnosis and monitoring of intracranial hemorrhage, the electrophysiology of vision and diagnostics for, and mechanisms (incl. animal models) underlying, epilepsy.

Several projects are performed in close collaboration with R&D groups at Chalmers University of Technology, and/or preclinical neurophysiology R&D groups.

Group members

Principal Investigators:

Justin Schneiderman, Professor
Mikael Elam, Professor Emeritus


John Jonsson Eskelin, PhD, MD
Linda Lundblad, PhD, MD
Josefin Nilsson, Associate Professor
Joakim Strandberg, PhD, MD

Doctoral students:

Sara Joelsson, MD