CO-DIAC: Co-designing integrated residential aged care
Short description
The aim with this project is to co-design and evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of a new working method for integrated residential aged care. The project comprises four studies that involve persons living in residential aged care facilities, relatives, staff and managers in residential social care and healthcare. We use qualitative and quantitative methods to co-design a new working method for integrating social care and healthcare in residential aged care facilities.
Overarching goal
The project runs over three years and is interdisciplinary with a co-design approach, designed in collaboration with the Administration for the elderly, nursing and care in the City of Gothenburg.
The project addresses experienced needs among the target groups through the long-term goal of improving the utilisation of resources, and to support meaningful improvements in residential aged care facilities. The co-design approach aims to bridge the gap between research and practice, with the goal to generate both scientific and societal value through contributing to innovation and best practice to meet the complex needs of an ageing population.
- Institute of Health and Care Sciences
- The Department of Social Work
- La Trobe University
- Äldre samt vård och omsorgsförvaltningen, City of Gothenburg