(A) Immunocytochemistry of human pancreatic islet. (B) Electrical activity recorded from an individual beta-cell in a pancreatic islet in response to an increase in the blood glucose concentration from 1 to 10 or 20 mM (corresponding to ~0.2, 2 and 4 g/l)

Diabetes and pancreatic islets

Research group
Active research
Project period
2014 - 2024
Project owner
Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology

Swedish Research Council, DRWF-Sweden

Short description

The pancreatic islets play a central role in blood glucose regulation. This regulation is exerted via release of the three hormones insulin, glucagon and somatostatin, which are released by the beta-, alpha- and delta-cells, respectively. We explore this regulation by a spectrum of advanced techniques that permit the study of individual islet cells, the coordination of the hormone release in the intact islet and the crosstalk between the pancreatic islets and the rest of the body (the brain, fat, gut and liver). Our studies demonstrate that electrical impulses play a central role in these processes. We study how these – very small – electrical signals are generated and their relationship to stimulation and inhibition of islet hormone release under a variety of physiological conditions.

Group members

Principal Investigator: Prof. Patrik Rorsman

Key group members: Dr Ahmed Alrifaiy, Dr Anna Benrick, Dr Massimo Muratore, Dr Haiqiang Dou, Dr Johan Tolö, Dr Nikhil Gandasi, Dr Lakshmi Kotegala, Dr Carolina Miranda, Cristiano Santos (PhD student), Myrvete Hoti (administrator)

Recent key publications

  1. Somatostatin secretion by Na(+)-dependent Ca(2+)-induced Ca(2+) release in pancreatic delta-cells
    Vergari E, Denwood G, Salehi A, Zhang Q, Adam J, Alrifaiy A, Wernstedt Asterholm I, Benrick A, Chibalina MV, Eliasson L, Guida C, Hill TG, Hamilton A, Ramracheya R, Reimann F, Rorsman NJG, Spilliotis I, Tarasov AI, Walker JN, Rorsman P, Briant LJB.
    Nat Metab2:32-40 (2020).
  2. A method for the generation of human stem cell-derived alpha cells
    Peterson QP, Veres A, Chen L, Slama MQ, Kenty JHR, Hassoun S, Brown MR, Dou H, Duffy CD, Zhou Q, Matveyenko AV, Tyrberg B, Sorhede-Winzell M, Rorsman P, Melton DA.
    Nat Commun11:2241 (2020).
  3. Insulin inhibits glucagon release by SGLT2-induced stimulation of somatostatin secretion
    Vergari E, Knudsen JG, Ramracheya R, Salehi A, Zhang Q, Adam J, Asterholm IW, Benrick A, Briant LJB, Chibalina MV, Gribble FM, Hamilton A, Hastoy B, Reimann F, Rorsman NJG, Spiliotis, II, Tarasov A, Wu Y, Ashcroft FM, Rorsman P.
    Nat Commun10:139 (2019).
  4. Dysregulation of Glucagon Secretion by Hyperglycemia-Induced Sodium-Dependent Reduction of ATP Production
    Knudsen JG, Hamilton A, Ramracheya R, Tarasov AI, Brereton M, Haythorne E, Chibalina MV, Spegel P, Mulder H, Zhang Q, Ashcroft FM, Adam J, Rorsman P.
    Cell Metab29:430-42 (2019).
  5. GLP-1 stimulates insulin secretion by PKC-dependent TRPM4 and TRPM5 activation
    Shigeto M, Ramracheya R, Tarasov AI, Cha CY, Chibalina MV, Hastoy B, Philippaert K, Reinbothe T, Rorsman N, Salehi A, Sones WR, Vergari E, Weston C, Gorelik J, Katsura M, Nikolaev VO, Vennekens R, Zaccolo M, Galione A, Johnson PR, Kaku K, Ladds G, Rorsman P.
    J Clin Invest. 125:4714-28 (2015).

Complete publication list: Publication list – Patrik Rorsman