DynamO – Dynamic managment of Pacific oyster
Short description
The Pacific oyster, Magallana gigas, is an invasive species that became established in Sweden in 2006. The species is well distributed in Bohuslän but has also spread further south along the west coast. The goal of the project is to facilitate the management of marine invasive alien species that have commercial value. In the work package that GU is responsible for, we investigate how reproductive tolerance and dispersal potential of Pacific oysters are affected by different salinities. We do this through experiments where we look at reproductive success and adaptability in different salinities in oysters of different origins, in order to predict whether this species will be able to expand into the Baltic Sea. In addition to experiments, the work includes oceanographic dispersion modelling to identify areas at high risk of invasion.
GU-researchers in the project
Pierre De Wit, Researcher at Department of Marine Sciences
Jon Havenhand, Researcher at Department of Marine Sciences
Göran Broström, Professor at Department of Marine Sciences
Alexandra Kinnby, Postdoctor at Department of Marine Sciences