Photo: Alix Gabaude

First housing: A literature review on young adults on the Swedish housing market, 2010-2022

Research project
Active research
Project period
2022 - 2023
Project owner
School of Public Administration

Short description

Access to housing has long been part of the Swedish welfare policy. The right to housing was a critical issue for young people’s economic independence. When Sweden joined the EU, this active housing policy was abandoned. Gradually, housing policy evolved into a hybrid of housing for wealthy groups and complexly regulated publicly distributed housing.

The aim of First Housing is to conduct a systematic review of the evidence available on young adults' establishment on the Swedish housing market 2010-2022.

The review is based on two research questions:

  1. Are previous research findings on young adults' establishment on the housing market confirmed in terms of the importance of socio-economic factors?
  2. Are there policies at the structural level contributing to different outcomes in different groups?

Research material is composed of published research and complementary grey material (SOU and reports). The project will be reported with a Swedish report, a scientific article and through seminars with relevant target groups.