Woman holding her hand to say stop and GenderSAFE logo.

GenderSAFE – Advancing the zero-tolerance approach to gender-based violence in higher education and research in the European Research Area

Research project
Active research
Project size
1 999 250 €
Project period
2024 - 2027
Project owner
The Department of Sociology and Work Science

EU Horizon Europe

Short description

GenderSAFE advances efforts to implement a zero-tolerance approach to gender-based violence in higher education and research in the European Research Area. Its overall objective is to contribute to building safe, inclusive, and respectful research and higher education. This will be realised through building capacities, mutual learning and exchange, setting up instruments to monitor the uptake and content of Research Performing Organisation (RPO) policies and promoting uptake of policies at the level of the national authorities and Research Funding Organisations (RFOs).

The project objective will be achieved through a five-fold strategy comprising:

  1. Increasing robustness of zero-tolerance policies by building a common policy discourse in the EU reflecting state-of-the-art theoretical debates, including attention to power and intersectionality, mobility and precarity,
  2. Facilitating the uptake and ownership of a zero-tolerance approach to gender-based violence policies through mutual learning, exchange, and co-design in a Community of Practice, involving multiple circles of various types of stakeholders,
  3. Building institutional capacities to set up and implement gender-based violence policies through training of responsible staff and officers,
  4. Creating a knowledge base on the uptake and contents of zero-tolerance policies at RPOs in the EU through a data collection and monitoring system,
  5. Raising awareness and creating uptake through carefully designed communication, dissemination, and advocacy activities.

Researchers at UGOT:
Sofia Strid, Associate Professor at The Department of Sociology and Work Science
Fredrik Bondestam, Associate Professor at Uppsala University and Director of the Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research at the University of Gothenburg

GenderSAFE on EU CORDIS: Advancing the zero-tolerance approach to gender-based violence in higher education and research in the European Research Area | GenderSAFE


Establishing a Community of Practice
GenderSAFE is establishing a community of practice to promote exchange and mutual learning between participants from different universities and research organisations on policy frameworks on gender-based violence. The forum is open to all those working on issues related to gender-based violence in higher education and research institutions, including gender equality, diversity and inclusion officers, HR and other administrative staff, institutional management, representatives of national governments, representatives of trade unions and gender equality organisations, researchers, teachers, students and activists.

GenderSAFE Community of Practice

Training on Genderbased Violence
On 30 April GenderSAFE gave a training session on gender-based violence in academia, focusing on UniSAFE’s 7P model: Prevalence, Prevention, Protection, Prosecution, Provision of services, Partnerships, and Policies.

Read more about the session on the GenderSAFE website: Introductory training on gender-based violence in academia and the 7P framework