Gothenburg Research Program on: Identity, Culture and Ethnicity
Short description
The research program aims to understand the development of ethnic identity and to improve young people’s coping at the social and individual levels.
The interdisciplinary program poses highly relevant questions and is expected to result in new knowledge of young peoples’ living conditions. It consists of a) two exploratory focus group studies b) an extensive evaluation of a, in Sweden, untested intervention, “The Identity Project” named “The LIKE-project” in Sweden. The intervention addresses topics on identity, culture and ethnicity in a school context, aiming to promote a better understanding of students’ own ethnic identity and an understanding of others. Finally, the program includes c) a three-wave longitudinal study of ethnic identity development in the transition from the last year of high school (gymnasium) to one year thereafter.
Ann Frisén, project leader
Moin Syed, University of Minnesota, USA
Linda Juang, University of Potsdam, Germany