Employees discussing in technical environment
Photo: Shutterstock: Metamorworks

Human capital for Industry 4.0. How firm’s employment strategies affect workforce competence enhancement and labour market mobility

Research project
Active research
Project size
4 300 000
Project period
2020 - 2022
Project owner
Department of Business Administration, School of Business, Economics and Law

Short description

On a daily basis, we come across news about how technical breakthroughs change our everyday lives. Technological development is also expected to have dramatic effects on the labor market. But the existing literature says little about what the technological transformation means for employees at workplace level. This project therefore aims to create a deeper understanding of the consequences of technologies for individuals in the labor market, by examining how firms' employment strategies handle the effects of the transformation. The project focuses on the Swedish manufacturing industry and advanced manufacturing-related service sector. How do companies develop their skills resources in times of technological change? What new demands are placed on the employees? What are the consequences for workers?