
Job descriptions for guidance - a question about the individual's free choice or the selection of the workforce?

Research project
Inactive research
Project size
3 080 000
Project period
2009 - 2014
Project owner
Department of Sociology and Work Science

Forte: The Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare

Short description

The project aims to analyze AMS job descriptions on the web and their usefulness in a gender equality and equality perspective. The project consists of three interconnected parts that are linked to three issues: The first sub-study is a content analysis of AMS guidance material that examines whether the guidance material is neutral or if there are differences in how professions are described and presented: Can any differences be attributed to social categories such as class, gender and ethnicity? In the second sub-study, we examine via focus group interviews how students in upper secondary school year 3 perceive the job descriptions: Do they recognize themselves and what knowledge does, and what ideas about professionals there are, in the material? In sub-study three, study and career counselors are interviewed about/how they use AMS j.d