Wheat field.

Just Fossil-free Fuels: Can we equitably manage biofuels?

Research project
Avslutad forskning
Project period
2020 - 2024
Project owner
School of Global Studies

Short description

The project looks at Swedish visions of fossil-free fuels, specifically how a fair transition to liquid biofuels can be achieved, in Sweden and transnationally.

Background and research aims

Sweden has set ambitious goals within its climate work to achieve a fossil-free society by 2045. Much indicates that liquid biofuels will be a central part of the transition, but biofuels are still associated with significant uncertainties and conflict lines.

The aim of this project is to increase knowledge about Swedish visions of fossil-free fuels, specifically how a fair transition to liquid biofuels can be achieved. In doing so, we engage with Swedish actors who in various ways affect biofuel politics domestically and transnationally, and analyse strategic documents, parliamentary debates, media, and interactive events, in combination with interviews with key actors.

Research questions 

  • What are the prominent storylines surrounding biofuel futures in Sweden?
  • How can Swedish actors steer ethical issues of justice and take responsibility for biofuel futures, both nationally and transnationally?
  • How can exemplary ‘just biofuel transitions’ be created?

These questions will be addressed through a politically and ethically oriented transition lens, which lends itself well to analysing energy justice and these kinds of multi-scalar and multi-actor processes. The project will increased knowledge about how to equitably manage the end of fossil-free fuels, how to integrate fossil-free visions with ideals of justice and welfare; and more pragmatically, how to shift from unjust to just forms of biofuel transition, both in Sweden and transnationally.
