A fire.
Photo: Matt Palmer

Loss and Damage: Normative Perspectives on Compensation for Climate Harm

Research project
Active research
Project size
1 852 000
Project period
2023 - 2025
Project owner
The Department of Political Science

Short description

Climate change compensation refers to policies associated with redressing those who are harmed or wronged by climate change. Such policies have only recently begun to be recognized by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change under the heading of “loss and damage”, and scholarly attention remains limited. The aim of this project is to clarify and problematize mechanisms for international climate compensation and assess the extent to which these mechanisms are morally justified. The ambition is to offer theoretically and normatively informed guidance on what will be a hugely important policy issue in the coming decades. In doing so, the project contributes to working out the concept of climate compensation as thoroughly as the climate mitigation and climate adaptation have been worked out.