Microglia and Neuroinflammation
Short description
Our research interest is to understand neuroinflammatory processes in neurodegenerative as well as infectious diseases. We aim to provide basic knowledge on how the brain's innate immune cells (microglia) govern neurological disorders.
Our research
Microglia are the primary resident immune cells of the brain and as such play a crucial role in health and disease. CNS challenges such as infections or aberrant accumulation of misfolded proteins which are the root cause for a range of neurodegenerative diseases, provoke microglial responses to protect the brain parenchyma. The exact molecular mechanisms of these responses are, however, less understood.
To study these microglial responses, we are using human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived models (illustrated below) in combination with animal models (in collaboration with Prof. Paludan) as well as human cerebrospinal fluid samples.
Alzheimer's disease (AD)
AD is a progressive neurodegenerative disease, with memory loss as an early sign, and increasing cognitive symptoms that affect more and more of everyday life as the disease progresses. Although the microscopical findings of the disease, amyloid β plaques and neurofibrillary tangles of tau protein, are well known, the exact mechanism of how these arise is still unknown. We know from recent human genetic studies that microglia, the brains resident immune cells, play a leading part in AD.
We study the contribution of microglia to AD pathology as well as biomarkers of microglial activation.
Viral encephalitis
Most adults worldwide are positive for Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV1), the leading cause for viral encephalitis. HSV1 infections start at epithelial surfaces, where they commonly causes cold sores, and establish life-long latency in the peripheral nervous system. In rare cases, the infection can spread to the central nervous system (CNS) to cause a devastating encephalitis. The early microglial innate immune response is crucial to control viral infections in the CNS. We study the antiviral properties of microglia in detail to contribute to a better understanding of mechanisms that specifically block HSV1 replication in the brain to limit the devastating consequences of viral encephalitis.

Group members
Stefanie Fruhwürth, Principal Investigator, PhD
Christina Heiss, Postdoc, PhD
Andrew Naylor, Postdoc, PhD
Katarina Türner Stenström, Research assistant
Carl Öberg, PhD student, MD
Arketa Mesi, Intern, BSc
Ludvig Rehbinder, Master student