
Partnership between police and citizens: Police volunteers and Missing People Sweden

Research project
Inactive research
Project size
1 096 532
Project period
2015 - 2017
Project owner
Department of Sociology and Work Science

Short description

The purpose is to investigate volunteers' participation in police work in Sweden. Of interest is the interdependence between the police and the citizens who participate in police control, including both parties' attempts to obtain and maintain legitimacy while maintaining independence. How is the participation of volunteers in police work controlled in and through partnerships between the police and citizens? How do the parties negotiate independence, powers, legitimacy and responsibility? What are the consequences of citizens being involved in police work for the broader and increasingly heterogeneous field of actors carrying out police work? How can the police use and control the participation of volunteers in police work? How can the police use and control the participation of volunteers in police work in a way that maximizes profits..


Project leader: Sara Uhnoo, Email:

Project member: Cecilia Hansen Löfstand, Email: