
ProDo - Research on the Process of Doing

Research group

Short description

People, both children and adults, engage in a variety of activities in their everyday lives. Being able to carry out activities, i.e. doing what one wants, must or should, is important for a person's health and well-being.

It is through doing that a person interacts with the world and experiences participation with others and in society. For people with neurological problems, children as well as adults, the ability to ”do” can be affected and thus participation in society risks being limited.

The research group conducts research on various aspects of doing. The research is focused on opportunities and obstacles in doing for children, adolescents and adults with disabilities due to neurological problems, congenital or early present. The purpose is to increase the groups opportunities for participation in different parts of life and in society.

The research is also focused on examining the existence of a relationship between higher cognitive functions – in particular executive function – and the process of doing. The research group conducts clinical research and conducts cross-sectional studies and, intervention studies as well as instrument development.


Marie Peny-Dahlstrand
Docent i arbetsterapi
Specialist i arbetsterapi inom Habilitering & Funktionshinderomsorg
Akademisk grad: Medicine Doktor

Git Lidman
Medicine doktor, universitetslektor
Specialist i arbetsterapi inom Habilitering & Funktionshinderomsorg

Lena Bergqvist
Medicine doktor, universitetslektor
Specialist i arbetsterapi inom Habilitering & Funktionshinderomsorg  

Margret Buchholz
Medicine doktor, leg. arbetsterapeut
Specialist i arbetsterapi inom Habilitering & Funktionshinderomsorg

Kate Himmelmann
Universitetslektor, adjungerad, överläkare i barnneurologi
Akademisk grad: Medicine doktor

Ann-Marie Öhrvall
Medicine doktor, leg arbetsterapeut, Universitetsadjunkt

Caisa Hofgren
Medicine dr, leg psykolog,
Klinisk specialist i funktionshindrens psykologi

Barbro Lindquist
Medicine doktor, leg psykolog, specialist i neuropsykologi 

Linda Nordstrand
Medicine doktor, universitetsadjunkt

Ellen Odéus
Specialist i arbetsterapi inom hälso- och sjukvård, särskilt utredning och intervention.

Eva Holmqvist
MSc, leg arbetsterapeut
Specialist i arbetsterapi inom Habilitering och Funktionshinderomsorg