
Rehabilitation Medicine

Research group
Active research
Project owner
Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology

Short description

Rehabilitation medicine is a medical- and humanistic discipline, whose main aim is to build a bridge back to a meaningful life for the patient after an injury or a disease.

Our research

Interdisciplinary research, with a person centered perspective, is the dominating approach in the group. The different conditions that are explored by the group are mainly within neurorehabilitation such as stroke, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, late effect of polio and cerebral palsy. Most of the members are also employed by the region and work both with research and healthcare.

Research lines

  • Longitudinal studies and cross-sectional studies
  • Physical activity
  • Use of technology for assessment and training
  • Cognition and its effect on the person
  • Integration in society and disability studies
  • Registry studies and qualitative analysis

Group members