RESISTIRÉ: Responding to outbreaks through co-creative inclusive equality strategies
Short description
RESISTIRÉ contributes to the reduction of gendered and intersectional inequalities arising from COVID-19 policy and societal responses, and creates innovative operational tools and recommendations to address these inequalities. The aim is (1) to understand the impact of COVID-19 policy responses on behavioural, social and economic inequalities in the EU27, Iceland, Serbia, Turkey and the UK on the basis of a conceptual gender+ framework, and (2) to design, devise and pilot policy solutions and social innovations to be deployed by policymakers, stakeholders and actors in different policy domains. The project will provide in-depth knowledge and understanding of existing problems, as well as current and future priorities and solutions.
RESISTIRE relies on a multi-disciplinary consortium of eleven European research, innovation, and design partners and a network of national experts in 31 countries. It is funded by the EU Horizon 2020 Societal challenges: Health, demographic change and well-being, under the call Advancing knowledge for clinical and public health responses to the 2019-nCoV epidemic, with approximately 57 million SEK (5 214 285 euro).
Researchers at UGOT: Sofia Strid (Scientific Coordinator)
RESISTIRÉ publications on Zenodo: RESISTIRÉ webpage: