
Return to work - Remain in work

Research project

Short description

To be at work and to come back to work (Return to work - Remain in work )


The overall aim was to longitudinally follow a general population cohort and a cohort of sick-listed employed women and men, and examine if the combination of work organisational factors and individual work commitment predict remain in work and return to work, and if workplace-based measures and co-operation are associated with return to work.

Data Collection 

This project is based on data from The Health Assets project at Sahlgrenska academy, University of Gothenburg. Baseline data collection was prolonged from 15 April 2008 to 30 June 2008. In total there were 7,835 participants of which 61% were women. The general population cohort consisted of 4,027 participants and a sick-listed cohort of 3,808.


Remain in work – What work-related factors are associated with sustainable work attendance? A general population based study of women and men.  
Holmgren  K, Löve Jesper, Mårdby AC, Hensing G
Occup Environ Med 2014 Mar;56 (3), 235-42

The combination of work organizational climate and individual work commitment predicts return to work in women but not in men. 
Holmgren K, Ekbladh E, Dellve L, Hensing H
Occup Environ Med 2013 Feb; 55 (2), 121-7

Does unbalanced gender composition at the work place influence the association between psychosocial working conditions and sickness absence?  
Jonsson R, Lidwall U, Holmgren K
WORK 2013 Jan; 1;46(1):59-66

The association between poor organizational climate and high work commitments, and sickness absence in a general population of women and men. 
Holmgren K, Hensing G, Dellve L
Occup Environ Med. 2010 Dec; 52(12):1179-85.

Hälsoresursprojektet – Bakgrund, metod och resultat.
Holmgren K, Hensing G, Fjällström Lundgren M.
Enheten för Socialmedicin. Avd. för samhällsmedicin och folkhälsa, Sahlgrenska akademin, Göteborgs universitet, 2010