Sjuksköterska med äldre patient i hemmet
Photo: Alterio Felidas

Safe health care at home for fragile elderly

Research project
Active research
Project period
2017 - 2022
Project owner
Institute of Health and Care Sciences

Institute of health and care sciences, Agneta Prytz-Folkes & Gösta Folkes stiftelse Stiftelsen Hjälmar Svenssons Forskningsfond

Short description

The home has become the place for increasingly advanced and complex health care and care with high demands on patient safety. In the current demographic development with more and more fragile elderly peoThis requires proper organizational conditions and to the active participation of care recipients to engage in their health needs.
An important issue is how the safety of older people can be ensured when staying at home, despite fragility, a great need for healt care and nursing under involvement of several different care providers.

The overall purpose of this project is to deepen knowledge about safe care for fragile elderly people who receive care at home from the perspective of elderly people, staff, and medically responsible nurses and rehabilitation staff.

The four parts of the project include individual interviews with elderly people (sub-study I), group interviews with home care staff, home nursing staff, and rehabilitation staff at home (sub-study II), a questionnaire study examining patient safety culture in municipal care and nursing activities (sub-study III), and M individual interviews MAR (substudy IV).

The project is expected to lay a foundation for continued development work of safe care for the elderly in the home. This is because the results of the sub-studies can form the basis for recommendations to decision-makers and staff who work in person-centered care on how to promote the participation of fragile elderly people and the staff's resources for the development of safe care at home.